Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Weekend Recap/Life Lately

I was going to just write a recap of our weekend, but I feel like the last several days have really summarized what our life is all about lately!

Saturday night (stateside Friday night), Johnathon and I got a babysitter so we could enjoy a date night out to watch our friends play in their band, Radar Love. The band was playing at The Snake Pit Oceanview club, and it has been a LOOOONG time since we'd been there. The Snake Pit "Oceanview" club offers what I like to call "more entertaining people watching," in my opinion, than the other Vet's Hall bar on island.  I'm happy to report that there was lots of dancing and people watching and the Snake Pit absolutely lived up to it's reputation on Saturday! 

Amy, Angela, and I enjoying Radar Love...we had a pretty clutch table by the men's room ;)

Johnathon and I on our date night

Sunday we spent a lazy day around the house, then Johnathon took Hadley on a little daddy/daughter date to the bakery and then to the beach! They capped off their date will some cuddles and Sofia the First...

That afternoon, Hadley boycotted her nap, so a VERY SLEEPY Hadley and I made our way to the softball fields to watch Johnathon's softball practice...

Go dad, Go!

Monday was another low key day that involved some Netflix binging, housework, and Hadley fighting her nap, YET AGAIN. It was around this time that I came to the sad realization that Hadley may be ready to transition to one nap a day. (Insert me lying in the fetal position and sobbing here). Hadley has always LIKED napping, but I have LOVED her naps. She has always been a stellar napper, taking two, two hour naps a day since she was four months old. Around two weeks ago she just decided that she didn't need her second nap, and this has been a game changer. 

The problem is that she loves her first nap, and takes a great nap from about 10:30am-12:30pm everyday, but then she is EXHAUSTED by about 5pm in the evening. I tried shortening her morning nap in the hopes that she would nap longer in the afternoon, but that crashed and burned. I'm now attempting to push her morning nap back a bit in the hope that we will eventually get to a 12:30pm nap time. We tried that today with moderate success, and I will share our napping adventures more later in the week. For now, just know that we are in full on nap transition mode and it is rough! 

Adios to my two nap baby...we sure will miss you...

There is at least a bright spot on the one nap keeping Hadley up later in the mornings, we are now able to make story time at the community library! We went to the fairy tale day last week, and this week it was Dr. Seuss Day! Hadley dressed to match "thing one" and "thing two" from the Cat In The Hat, and was initially a little unsure of story time...

But by the end, I think she really came around...

They had a craft for the kids to work on after story time, but I thought Hadley would just try and eat the art supplies, so we settled for crawling around the reading room, and checking out the cool road carpet...

 I thought we were going strong, and that Hadley would make it awhile longer before she was ready to nap, but Hadley had other plans. She saw the beanbags, and settled on in for a little shut eye...

The good news is that we made it to 11am before her first nap, so I'm hoping this new nap schedule will work out!

And that's our life lately!


  1. Can I please have her nap times. I feel like I'm in need all the time.

    1. Right?! Two naps a day sounds just about right to me! I'm still hoping that her two naps become one long three hour one! lol

  2. Since retiring, I find one nap a day perfect! :) Tell Hadley Gigi will sleep with her on the bean bag chairs when y'all come home! lolol Love the pics!
    Thanks for writing these! Helps it seem like you aren't so far away.
