Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hadley Happenings- Teething Edition

Oh hey! If your wondering what Hadley's been up to lately, she's just been busy cutting teeth and not napping. Bet you want to come over and visit, huh? She got her first tooth (bottom-center, right) about a month ago, and it was a fairly painless process. She had a few days were she was a little cranky, and took some shorter naps, but it was nothing major. In fact, I didn't even know that she was teething until she started gnawing on my finger and I felt something sharp bite down on me! Now here we are one month later, and Miss Hadley is going on her 4th day of the dreaded 45 minute nap.

Look at those crocodile tears! Don't worry Hadley- Daddy and I hate teething too!

Over the weekend she really started chewing on everything. This is nothing new for her, as pretty much everything she picks up these days goes in her mouth. However, her chewing started to seem almost manic, and if she dropped whatever she was chewing on she would pick it back up as fast as she could as resume said manic chewing. She also started short changing herself on naps. She normally takes a 2 hour nap in the late morning, then another 2 hour nap in the afternoon. She was still napping well in the morning, but her afternoon nap suddenly became a 45 minute cat nap. Sometimes she doesn't nap as well on the weekends and I'm convinced it's because she knows Johnathon is home and wants to play. I didn't think much of it, but the short naps continued on into this week, and now it's BOTH her morning and afternoon naps. GRRRRRR!!! I'm sure I'm not the only other stay at home mom that feels like their whole day is either made or crushed depending on how well their child naps! lol

Chewing exhibit A: I'm afraid Goodnight Moon took the brunt of the teething

Exhibit B: Chewing on the swing one does
Exhibit C: Chowing down on her binky

Oh, she also has decided that taking a bottle while teething is for the birds. Instead of taking a full bottle, she will drink 3oz then adamantly refuse the rest, but prefers me to offer her the remaining milk in one ounce increments every 20 minutes or so. #highmaintenance.

I've tried Hyland's Teething Tablets and they helped a little bit. I put some paci's in the freezer and let her suck on them once they're nice and cold. That helps for the 3-5 minutes they are cold, but once they are warm she's over them. I finally caved and tried Tylenol today, and that has given her some least enough to get a better (1-1.5 hour) nap in. However,  if I could find a teething solution that doesn't involve medicating her with Tylenol I would love that!

Fortunately, her mood greatly improves when her daddy gets home, and they listen to country music while Johnathon shows her all the nerdy cool games on the computer! :)

I'm hoping that since we are on day #4 of teething Hadley, hopefully we are nearing the end of this round of teething. I can see the tooth almost popping through the gum! Bad news...this is only tooth #2. We got a whole mouthful to go. If she could hold off getting any more teeth next month when we have to fly all the way to Michigan from Kwajalein that would be great!

If you have any teething tricks or tips I would love to hear them! Especially, if it involves getting your kids to nap while teething! Thanks!

Hadley appreciates any and all teething tips!


  1. I know "This too shall pass." Is not helpful. But i hope it passes fairly quickly.
    Your Nana Schatzi used to tell me to rub a little whiskey on your gums. Lol 😜. Old fashioned teething medicine. I didn't try that but I wonder if it could be any worse than Tylenol. Lolol

  2. Aww! She's so precious. And teething is just hard. Have you tried those mesh pouches that you put frozen fruit in? Also, our pedi told us to soak a wash cloth in apple juice and freeze it, then let them chew on that. The cold feels good and the sugar in the apple juice helps with the pain.

  3. I remember nana Eduardo making a "sugar tit" sugar in a a clean soft material like old tea shirt tied very tightly with a small amount of bourbon sprinkled on it and used as a pacifier. She thought it worked. I feel for you. Such a binding experience. Haha😄
