Thursday, February 11, 2016

Mobile Loaves and Fishes / Community First

I thought I would do something a little bit different today, and share with y'all something really wonderful that is happening in my hometown of Austin, Texas. 

Growing up, there was a community outreach program that was run through our church called Mobile Loaves and Fishes. It started out as a food truck that served the homeless community in Austin by driving out into the city and providing the homeless community with food, toiletries, and clothing. I remember volunteering several times in high school with my youth group to help prep the truck, and make the food, and even in high school I remember thinking what an awesome idea it was.  

 *All the photos in this post are from the Mobile Loaves and Fishes website*

I moved away from Austin when I went to college, and didn't hear any more about about the program until recently when my friend from high school's dad, who helped found Mobile Loaves and Fishes, was named Austin's Man of the Year for his work with Mobile Loaves and Fishes, and their new Community First Project.  

Here is a video about the awesome Community First Project:

I was shocked and amazed at how much this seemingly small food truck program had expanded, and how many people it is now serving!! Beyond providing food, clothing, and dignity to the homeless community of Austin, MLF and Community First are now building a 27-acre residential community that serves the disabled and chronically homeless of Central Texas. 

One of our biggest callings as Christians is to love and care for our fellow brothers and sisters. While I'm sure we all try our best, if we're being honest, we try and fail often, and many times overlook helping those that need it the most because it requires us to be uncomfortable. To step out of our comfort zones, and help those we would otherwise pass by. My mom told me about a priest in the Austin area that had a business card that read:

"To comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable."

What a wonderful reminder of what Jesus did, and what we are called to do as Christians with our time here on Earth. Mobile Loaves and Fishes/Community First serve a homeless community that is often overlooked and ignored, and I could not be happier to see the programs expanding their outreach and providing hope, dignity, and a future to an even greater number of people. 

I'm not even entirely sure of my purpose for writing this. I just heard about the great works of Community First and MLF and felt like it needed to be shared with all of you. Sometimes this world gets burdened down with such sorrow, disenchantment, and hurt...I think it's nice to have a reminder of the good in life. Of the good people that are out there making a difference...of the helpers in the world. 

My prayer this morning is for all of us to feel a calling, in whatever capacity, to serve one another. Because by using our gifts to love and care for each other, we are honoring God.

If you want to learn more about Mobile Loaves, and Fishes, and how you can take part, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are spreading the word about what Mobile Loaves and Fishes has accomplished and how it has expanded since you were in school. In this political season, it's good to hear about what people are doing to help those in their community instead of just harsh criticisms, predictions of our demise as a country, etc.

    I believe the priest who had the quote about comforting the disturbed was Monsignor Richard McCabe. Monsignor McCabe's work in Austin is legendary. If your readers wish to read about another outstanding contributor to our community and the human condition, they can read about him here:
