Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hadley Kate-6 month edition

In case I haven't said it enough times already..where is this year going?? I feel like we were just in the delivery room getting handed an incredibly precious and incredibly tiny 6lb 2oz baby girl for the first time. And now...Miss Hadley is eating solids like a champ, rolling all over the place, sitting up almost by herself...what's next...driving??? Go on a date?? College?? Somebody stop time please!

Even though Hadley's first 6 months have flown by, it has been so much fun watching her grow and change every day, and I love seeing her own little self start to emerge. When she was born, EVERYONE said she looked like Johnathon and I would have to agree. Exhibit A:

Lets be honest...I find myself constantly trying to find something about her that is from "me." I have settled on her ears and lips...I'll take what I can get. Also...how handsome is my husband?? :)
However, Johnathon and I agree...lately she has really started to not look like either one of us, but more of her own person which has been fun to see as well. Here is Hadley now at 6 months:

I feel like her eyes get bigger and bigger every day! Love!
In addition to her changing looks, Hadley has really changed as far as interests and likes. And let me tell ya....Miss Hadley Kate is definitely a girl who knows what she likes, and more importantly what she doesn't like! I have no idea where she gets that from! ;)

So in honor of Hadley Kate's 6 month birthday (it was August 1st), here is a recap of all things Hadley:

FOOD: I feel like I should start with food because there really isn't a food Hadley doesn't like (apart from peas, but I'm not counting that because...PEAS!). Her all time favorite is definitely apples, but she's also a fan of sweet potato, carrots, avocado, green beans, and chicken puree! She gets so excited when its time to eat that she kicks her feet and shakes her hands until that spoon is in her mouth! 

Nom, Nom, Nom

WEIGHT: You'd think with all this eating that's going on she would be a chunky little thing, but she's only in the 10% for weight. Oops. I prefer calling her petite as opposed to small, but everyone who sees her likes to point out HOW SMALL SHE IS!! IS SHE REALLY 6 MONTHS??? Yes she is small. We know. No there is nothing wrong. She is a perfectly healthy, perfectly petite 13lbs 7oz as of her checkup on the 1st. We did get the go ahead to give her solids twice a day, so we are hoping that might add an extra roll here and there just for good measure! 

TOYS: I could really just call this section " Don't throw your plastic water bottles away if you plan on having kids because they will single handedly be your teething child's favorite toy!"  I feel like writing a thank you note to Nestle PureLife water to let them know of a whole untapped age bracket they could be marketing to. Hadley loves nothing more than to crinkle the water bottle and chew on the ribbed top portion. When she isn't playing with our rejected recycling, Hadley really loves anything that rattles, makes noise, or that she can shove in her mouth. I keep checking for teeth, and so far nothing, but she has to be chewing on something at all times. She's also finally big enough for her exersaucer, which I think has really helped her practice her head, neck, and back control! Here are Hadley's top toys for 6 months:

Clockwise from top left: 
1. LeapFrog My Pal Violet
2. Vullie Sophie the Giraffe Rubber Teether
3. Evenflo Beach Baby Exersaucer
4. Lamaze Play and Grow, Freddie the Firefly

 SLEEP: Hadley continues to amaze me in the sleep department. We have loosely followed the Baby Wise philosophy on getting your babies to be good sleepers. I feel like people either swear by Baby Wise or despise it with a passion, but all I can say is it has worked wonders for us. We generally followed the Baby Wise book from birth, and Hadley slept through the night (12hrs) at 14 weeks and consistently takes two, 2.5 hour naps a day, so I'm a pretty big believer in it. Like I said, some people are very strict about creating a schedule for their child, and following all the Baby Wise rules religiously...we pretty much stick to a Eat, Wake, Sleep pattern for Hadley, and that seems to be a good enough routine for her. I do try and have her down for her naps and bedtime close to the same time everyday, and I really think that consistency has helped make Hadley a great sleeper. I know it was a game changer for Johnathon and I as well when she started sleeping through the night, so we were very grateful that Hadley has proven to love her some sleep. For any mamas out there that want to learn more about Baby Wise, I found this blog to be extremely helpful!

OTHER LIKES: Hadley loves walks in her stroller, playing airplane, peek a boo, talking to her mobile in her crib, "talking" in general, kisses, her paci/binky, Mickie Mouse Club House, and Sadie- She loves touching Sadie, and watches her all the time:

OTHER DISLIKES: Tummy time, getting strapped into her carseat, peas, and not getting your undivided attention 100% of the time. :) I'm sure toddlerhood with this one is gonna be a breeze...

It has truly been the best, hardest, most fun 6 months of our lives, and we are so grateful that God chose us to be Hadley Kate's parents. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring! To round out Hadley's 6 month post, here is a recap of her other monthly photos plus her 6 month photos!!


....and finally...6 MONTHS!

We love you so much baby girl!! xoxo- Mommy & Daddy

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