Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hadley Kate's Nursery

I've been meaning to post pictures of Hadley's nursery for awhile now,'s me, and procrastination is my middle name! To be fair, those levels of Candy Crush won't beat themselves. But I digress...ANYWAY, when we were trying to decide how we wanted to do Hadley's nursery we were feeling kind of limited because:

A) we live in Army housing, and it's really difficult to make cinder block walls and linoleum floors look cozy and baby friendly.
B) We wanted to be surprised with the gender so we couldn't really commit to pink or blue. And if you've ever spent time on pinterest searching "gender neutral" nurseries you could easily substitute that search topic for "beige and boring," and you would come up with the same results. Sigh.
C) We live on a tiny tropical island with nary a Homegoods or Hobby Lobby in sight, so everything had to be purchased online and mailed or barged out here which can get expensive.
D) See above mentioned cinder blocks.

I was brainstorming ideas with my friend Sarah who was also pregnant, and I mentioned how I love the book Where the Wild Things Are. Sarah immediately sent me this link for an awesome guide to a Where the Wild Things Are nursery:

 The second I saw this nursery I was sold. Even though it was designed for a little boy, I thought it was soft and neutral enough that it could work for either a little girl or boy. So I set off to do my best replication given the cinder block and remote location constraints. Conveniently, a lot of the "Wild Things" themed items were bought from Etsy so I was able to order them and ship them out here easily. A lot of the other items we picked up on our vacation back to the states. The chair, bookshelf and dresser we blindly ordered online. We had to hope for the best that the wood colors matched because it takes six weeks to barge them out here, and to be honest I'm not sure we could have returned them even if we wanted to. Thankfully everything seemed to match fairly well and we are so happy with Hadley Kate's Wild Things nursery! Take a look:

Welcome to Hadley's nursery

We tried to stick with a yellow, gray, blue, and white color scheme

This is looking back at the door. The bookshelf is from Walmart and the end table we got from the furniture warehouse on island! Score!

The white owl is a nightlight from HomeGoods and the stuffed animals were gifts from our Michigan baby shower

The Where the Wild Things Are blocks are from an Etsy store called Storybook Blocks

This was a cute sign I found at Francesca's...I bought it just in case we had a girl and needed some pink ;)

The chair is from Target and the Wild Things pictures are from an Etsy store called Olive and Burch

Prints from Olive and Burch

The birch tree decals are from Naturewall, the paint is Fashionable Gray by Sherman Williams
Sidenote on the tree decals. In case you find yourself trying to stick decals to a cinder block wall (not likely) just know that it is a real pain. First, it's not a huge party trying to hang the trees straight in the first place, but about 24 hours after we hung them, the trees immediately started to peel. I don't think this is as much a reflection of the quality of the decals, as it is a reflection of how poor a choice cinder blocks are for wall material in a home. Our solution...rubber cement for the win!

Hadley's crib (hand me down), mobile, and rug (from Target)

The crib sheets are from Carousel Designs
 The sheets were an ordeal to order, because I originally tried to purchase custom sheets through a store on Etsy. Needless to say...that didn't happen. It's a super long story that was traumatic enough the first time, and truthfully, I'm still not sure I'm over it. Basically, all you need to know is after not hearing from the Etsy store for months, I found out that the fabric I wanted had sold out a long time ago and the seller chose not to tell me that until the bedding set was already way late. Like...I ordered them in October and Hadley WAS ALREADY BORN by the time I heard from the store. It ended with me hormonally yelling on the phone to Etsy customer service trying to get a refund which they were very unwilling to give. In the end I did get the refund and bought these sheets from Carousel Designs instead, and they are amazing. The quality is great, they arrived within 2 weeks of my order, and Hadley likes to obsessively strokes the paisley pattern while she's laying in bed...not napping :)

I couldn't find the exact changing table, but its Target as well

Hadley's view...its more of a "garden view" than an "ocean view," but she still loves looking out the window while she gets her diaper changed

Hadley was my photographer assistant today ;)
Thanks for checking out Hadley's nursery! Hope you like it as much as we do!

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